What is my Niche?

I came face to face with this question today:
Do I commit my schedule to a single megaproject?  Or, do I continue to serve many clients at lower price points?


The question was prompted by a phone call from a construction company that intends to bid on the Yakima River Ecosystem Project, a gargantuan, mega-budget effort to improve habitat quality and flow dynamics of the river between Selah Gap and the Yakima Gap.  The project is also referred to as the “Gap to Gap Project.”

The company was looking for assistance with fish monitoring and stormwater control.  The money was tempting, no doubt.  After talking details with the company, I decided to pass on the offer.  It would have been a financial windfall, but I wouldn’t have the time to do much else.  I’d have to constantly turn down folks looking for help – and I don’t want word-of-mouth to turn sour on me.  For the foreseeable future, my Niche is to remain light and nimble, delivering quality work for a diverse variety of smaller projects.  I’m not going anywhere, so in the future I’m sure these types of opportunities will continue to pop up.  And, if the fit is right, I may jump on it.

In the end, I pointed the contractor to other freelance professionals on my contact list.  I hope he was able to land some talent.

If you are looking for environmental professionals, feel free to look me up.  I’m pretty well connected and would be happy to direct you to the assistance you need.  Cheers!