Was it easy to be certified as a PWS?

Nope.  Absolutely not.  It was my greatest accomplishment as a professional.

Certification as a Professional Wetland Scientist (PWS) is globally recognized and the highest recognition of a wetland professional’s expertise.


The requirements to be certified are incredibly stringent.   It’s not a walk in the park.  An applicant must:

  1.  possess a college or university degree that includes enough units earned in biological science, physical science, quantitative science, and specialized wetland course work;
  2. accumulate at least five (5) years of full-time professional experience within 10 years of applying for certification;
  3. write a essay that describes one’s area(s) of expertise in wetland science relative to academic training and work experience;
  4. submit a comprehensive resume that outlines professional and educational history;
  5. submit contact information for five (5) professional references, one of which must be a current member of the Society of Wetland Scientists, one who is an employer, supervisor, or client, and two who are currently certified as a PWS;
  6. submit copies of all academic transcripts for all courses taken and degrees conferred;
  7. certify the accuracy of the application documents;
  8. certify that one agrees with the Code of Ethics;
  9. pay the application fee.

Certification is good for five years.  An annual maintenance fee is due each year to keep it active.  In order to renew certification, one must:

  1.  remain a PWS in good standing with fees paid;
  2. earn a minimum of 10 certification renewal points during the five-year period.  Points can be earned through a blend of, but not limited to, full-time employment as a wetland professional, attending wetland training courses, conferences, webinars, and presentations, teaching as an instructor, and/or publishing technical papers.
  3. pay the certification renewal application fee.

 As you can see, the hurdle is really high.  It was a lot of work but the perserverence paid off.  My certification expires at the end of this year.  I still need to earn 2.75 certification renewal points and will be chipping away at that.