Fun Fieldwork!

Today was spent along the Klickitat River.  I’m a subconsultant for a super cool project that is proposing a bridge across the river.  I needed to get to the other side  to complete a wetland delineation and ordinary high water mark survey.  Coincidentally, the survey crew for the project was using a drift boat to […]

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What is my Niche?

I came face to face with this question today:   Do I commit my schedule to a single megaproject?  Or, do I continue to serve many clients at lower price points?   The question was prompted by a phone call from a construction company that intends to bid on the Yakima River Ecosystem Project, a

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Reserve your Spot in 2023!

With 12 years of consulting under my belt, I have learned to “roll with the punches” in regard to the ebb and flow of workload. Winter tends to exhibit a dip, especially in December and January, during which time I busy myself with digital resource maintenance like emails, could storage, document templates, web page improvement,

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