A new web site for 2023!

This has been on my to-do list for several years and true to my character, I decided to jump right in and figure it out myself.  I’ve never built a web site before and I had to remind myself of that fact as my “virtual trash can” began to overflow from discarded drafts.

My receding hairline couldn’t afford the frustration and hair pulling, but at last I think I’ve arrived at a basic solution that allows potential clients to garner the information they need to figure out my services, qualifications, and contact information.

FYI, I went with a hosted WordPress site with GoDaddy.  I will continue to modify my creation as I learn more about plugins, decide what color combinations work best, choose the best photos, and discover other tweaks that add value.

My goal is to arrive at a location where navigation is logical, key information easy to find, and where imagery falls easy on the eye.  Hopefully, I won’t wind up deleting the whole thing by mistake.  I’ve got a note hung under my computer reminding me to make constant backups!

I hope you find the web site useful.  It certainly was a lot of work and ate up two weeks of my life, but in the end I derived immense enjoyment from conquering the challenge in the face of adversity.  Plus, it only cost me $35.  Can’t beat that!