PWS Certification Renewed!

Professional certification as a Professional Wetland Scientist (PWS) is issued by the Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS). Certification signifies that the academic foundation and work experience of a PWS meets the standards expected by the peers of a practicing wetland professional and provides acknowledgment of adherence to standards of professional ethics with regard to the conduct and practice of wetland science.  It is a globally-recognized designation, the most coveted career recognition in the wetland field.

I have been certified as a PWS since 2019.  Recertification, required at five-year intervals, is no small feat.  Continued professional training is required by the SWS to keep the skills sharp.  Sufficient training points need to be accumulated in order to qualify.  This effort takes time and money – both of which have to be woven into a full-time work schedule and budget.

Certification as a PWS is extremely important for my professional livelihood.  As such, I am extremely pleased to share that my recertification was approved on June 20, 2024, thereby extended my PWS title to December 31, 2029.