GG Diversification – Forest Stewardship Planning!

Progress toward diversification of my professional offerings hit overdrive this month.  Not only am I assisting with grant funding for projects near Wapato but last week I also completed a Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP) for a client in the Goldendale area.

If a forested parcel is designated by the county as Forest Land, an FSP is required when the parcel changes ownership.  Otherwise, the designation will expire and property taxes will go up.

A FSP outlines the committments the landowner will make to reduce and prevent insect and disease infections, reduce wildfire hazard, enhance and maintain habitat for wildlife, and maintain a full stocking of forestland for eventual harvest.

I visited the landowner onsite and enjoyed a ride with him around the property in his ATV.  We noted several Western gray squirrel nests in the tree canopy.  Pretty neat, since the critters are listed by the state as Threatened.

The job went without a hitch and GG now offers a new service.  Thumbs up for diversification!