Critical Areas Training for Real Estate Brokers!

Are you a real estate broker interested in learning more about how environmental critical areas can affect a property’s value?

Would you like to be equipped to answer Client questions and effectively shepherd them through the real estate transaction process?

GG is now offering to give a complimentary PowerPoint presentation titled “Critical Areas Inspection for Real Estate Transactions” at your local office or via virtual meeting.

Questions addressed include:

  • What are critical areas?
  • Why are critical areas important?
  • How are critical areas protected?
  • How do I determine if critical areas are mapped on a subject property?
  • How are critical areas mapped and are the maps reliable?
  • How can wetland and stream buffers encumber property?
  • Why is risk shouldered only by the buyer?
  • How can buyer’s remorse be avoided?
  • What does a critical areas inspection cost?

Realtors that complete Critical Areas training will be added to the list of recommended realtors on the GG Resources page.

If you are interested in scheduling a presentation, feel free to contact me.  Cheers! GG