2024 is off and running!

Well, I haven’t been skiing yet.  It started with crummy El Nino snowpack on the slopes, followed by the coldest and most persistent Arctic front I have seen since I moved to Washington State in 2006.

Interestingly, this has been the busiest winter in the GG record books.  I’m working on a wetland mitigation plan for the City of Ellensburg, finalizing habitat restoration assistance to be paired with an as-built report, fitting in wetland reconnaissance visits while the ground is snow-free, and completing two high-priority  and short timeline projects in the Ritzville area.  These projects require a wetland/Shoreline delineation coupled with shrubsteppe and wildlife surveys.

The habitat assessments were completed via an Ecological Integrity Assessment.

It is hard to believe that spring is right around the corner when the thermometer has been topping off at 5 degrees the past few days but it won’t be long before bud break.

The calendar is already populated with reservations for the early spring.  As such, be sure to get your project on the GG radar screen!

Photo: lichen-covered flood erratic in a shrubsteppe coulee NW of Ritzville, WA.